Thursday, January 14, 2016

Twelve Days

It's been less than 14 days since I started Weight Watchers, and I swear it feels like I've been doing this for at least a month. Not that it's a bad thing, I just can't believe it hasn't even been two weeks. The good news is that I've shed a few pounds - a significant amount, if you consider the number of days I was actively on the plan when I weighed in last. But when I got on the scale yesterday, I felt...dissatisfied. I felt like all the tracking and eating healthier (much healthier and in much smaller quantities) would have (should have) yielded a greater loss. But, when you total up the pounds shed since January 2nd, it's pretty good. So, I wallowed in self-judgment for a day, but I feel better about it now.

But it isn't easy. My first week, I struggled with constant hunger, as I hadn't yet figured out what I could eat to keep me from being ravenous without blowing a decent portion of my daily point. I worried that I would always be hungry and that this would just be too damn hard to keep up. But I talked to a good friend who gave me tons of ideas for snacks and meals, and I took myself back to the grocery store, where I spent a sizable amount of money but came home with fresh food and lots of ideas.

Coming into my second week, I had plans, snacks and felt better about everything I was doing. I still do. But I know I have a long way to go. All day yesterday, in a crappy, crabby mood, I kept thinking about how badly I wanted to go home and binge. Dive into some comfort food - god, just give me some potatoes! - and soothe my ruffled and agitated parts. I wanted to tear open the bag of peanut M&Ms I bought before Christmas, still sitting in my desk drawer. I wanted to mindlessly ingest every piece until the screaming inside my head stopped. It was damn near all I could think about.

So clearly my relationship with food is still a little dysfunctional, but the fact that I did not give in to any of my urges is something I'm proud of. It feels like a major win - not only because I didn't waste precious points on candy and carbs, but because I was forced to sit with what I was feeling. I had to just accept my mood, and give myself some space to be crabby and impatient. Was it fun? No. Did I wish I had some food to silence the demons? Hell yes. But I lived. I made it through the day without sabotaging my progress. I made it through a bad mood and the kind of anxiety that makes me want to rip my skin off - without feeding it. Could I have done it if I didn't have to be accountable to a program on my phone that only I can actually see? Nope.

It's an uphill battle, I know. I have a lot of things to work through - my use of food as a silencer for my emotions, my utter lack of patience when it comes to making "real" progress (as defined by the parts of me that really enjoy self-loathing), my pickiness about eating vegetables, my fear of being hungry - just to name a few. I don't think anyone actually promised me this would be easy. I've got 40 years of baggage and bad habits to overcome, but I think I have finally reached the point where I know I'm worth the effort. I'm worth the struggle, because even though my size may not define me, I feel that it does not accurately represent me. I want my outside to match my inside, so that I can believe in what I see.

A lot of things have to change in order for me to get there, and I know it will take time. I have to keep reminding myself of that. I didn't get to this point overnight and I can't undo it overnight. All I need to do is take things one day at a time, sometimes one hour at a time. Looking at the big picture in this situation will only defeat me. And I intend to succeed.

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